Manor Primary School

Wirral Family Toolbox

The family toolbox is made up of a number of digital tools and resources. It provides information about organisations that can support families.

It aims to make resources and support more readily available, putting the power right in the hands of families to work out what they want to change, and what steps they want to take to do that.

The founding members of Family Toolbox are: Caritas Shrewsbury, Ferries Families, Foundation Years Trust, Involve North West, Koala North West, Shaftesbury Youth Club and WEB. They have signed up to the Family Toolbox values – so this is what you can expect from these organisations:

  • They give tools, not answers. They believe that everyone has skills and strengths, so when people need a helping hand, they see what’s already strong and coach to build up knowledge, skills and confidence. In all our relationships – whether families, communities or colleagues – we always do with, not to.
  • They work together. They don’t just work together to get a great result: working together is, in and of itself, a great result. Everything they do is about building positive relationships (professionally and personally), so they put time, effort and commitment into building relationships with one another, being shaped by the perspectives and experiences of those around us.
  • They make sure families stay in control. They remove the language and behaviours of referrals, professional assessments, levels and thresholds so that they can really get to the heart of what’s going on for families, as and when they choose.
  • They keep things simple for families. They prioritise people, over systems, processes and procedures. It’s simple to get involved with – we’re joined-up and accessible and they make sure that families can access something that can help them straight away. They speak in simple terms, and talk about asking for help as the way you show you’re a great parent – not a failing one.